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My fragrant resolutions for 2023

By Anton Constantinou

It’s 2023 - another year of fragrance blogging and buying awaits!

To help me on my journey this year, I’ve come up with 10 fragrance-related resolutions to follow. They range from simple things like selling old scents more and stereotyping notes less, to more elaborate resolutions such as wearing perfume more in the evening.

I probably won’t stick to all these resolutions but just having them written down is a comfort in itself.

Here are my 10 fragrant resolutions for 2023:

Judge perfumes by their notes less

Notes in a fragrance can be misleading. Many don’t smell as you expect them to smell, and obsessing over notes can leave you chasing the wrong fragrances or avoiding certain perfumes altogether. I’m definitely guilty of this, but I plan to put a stop to it this year.

Sell old fragrances more

My fragrance collection is pretty small, but I could definitely do with selling a few scents.  Some I’ve held on to as I’m yet to review them, but others are literally gathering dust at the back of my cupboard. Maybe I’ll have a one-in-one-out policy this year where I only buy a new fragrance once I’ve sold an old one.

Sample more fragrances

I don’t buy fragrance samples enough, but I really should. Most fragrance samples are easy enough to come by and, in some cases, are more readily available than full bottles. Etsy have some great mini perfumes for sale which I’ve been eyeing up for a while, so maybe they’ll be my first port-of-call.

Visit more niche fragrance shops

I mostly try fragrances in department stores, but what I’d really like to hit up more are niche perfume shops. The smaller, more intimate retailers who don’t just push the latest releases. Granted, niche perfume shops aren’t always the easiest to find, but I’m ready to hunt for them this year.

Try more female marketed fragrances

Like many men, I mostly wear male marketed fragrances, but I’d like to switch things up this year and try more women’s scents too. As a lover of citrus scents, I’m thinking I should start with fresh women’s fragrances first and branch out from there - I’ll let you know how I get on.

Wear fragrances in the evening more

I mostly wear fragrances during the day, mostly to freshen up. But I’d like to start wearing scents in the evening more too. As I largely wear fresh fragrances during the day, I’m thinking I should bust out my sweeter/spicier scents in the evening - the scents I don’t wear to work.

Read more olfactive literature

There are some excellent olfactive books out there. I already own many and have reviewed quite a few, but I don’t read enough olfactive literature. I’m thinking a good aim for this blog would be for me to do a book review for every three fragrances I write about.

Seek more opinions on my fragrances

Aside from my girlfriend, sister and maybe my mum, I rarely ask people what they think of fragrances I wear, or engage in fragrance chat for that matter. As a fragrance reviewer though, I really should. At the very least, to qualify my own impressions of the fragrances I wear and the stories they conjure to mind.

Ask strangers what they’re wearing

I brush past strangers who smell amazing, but rarely do I ask them what fragrances they’re wearing. Maybe it’s the Brit in me, but I feel like  I’m invading someone’s privacy if I do so. That said, last time I did ask a stranger what they were wearing, I discovered the beautiful Diptyque scent Eau Duelle.

Create more content for this blog

My fragrance blogging is sporadic at most. Sometimes I’ll post once a fortnight, othertimes bi-monthly, but I’d really like to post more often and consistently. As my Instagram account mostly centres on articles I’ve written, what I could do to generate more content is create multiple Instagram posts out of single articles.

So, there you have it. My fragrant resolutions for 2023. What are your fragrant resolutions for 2023? Are they similar mine? Have you different resolutions to the ones I’ve set? Leave a comment below and keep the discussion going.


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