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Wandering wafts: churros and petrol

By Anton Constantinou

Started a new job about a month ago in London’s west end. The west end is certainly a feast for the nose - a mix of cooked food, sweets, coffee and pollution, and the occasional whiff of perfume.

My journey to work takes me past a churros stand - I’m not a fan of churros but the smell is very satisfying.

Did a work trip to Peterborough recently on a smelly train (is it me or do all trains stink these days?). The train tables stunk of cleaning product and a group sat near me reeked of spicy food. I love spicy food as much as the next person, but it sure does stink when it’s on your clothes and coming out of your pores.

Summer in London has been pretty windy so  far, but the breeze has brought some glorious floral aromas to my nose. Lavender is noticeable at the moment, as is honeysuckle. Both are growing in my local area and smell divine.

Went to the gym the other day and noticed someone was wearing cocoa butter. Sweat is usually the most conspicuous smell in a gym but this time it was moisturising cream - I guess people lather up these days before training.

Visited my nan recently and was greeted by a wondeful aroma of roses in her front garden. The housing complex she lives in has this wonderful front garden that’s maintained by a few of the residents and looks fantastic. Aren’t you lucky, nan!

Noticed a classic car when I was out and about with her, a right beauty. The roar of the engine made me stop in my tracks but the smell of car is what really caught my attention: that heady whoosh of leaded petrol - I wish modern cars smelt this way.

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