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Wandering wafts: My new smell diary

By Anton Constantinou

Keeping track of the different smells I encounter is one of the main reasons I started this blog. As much as I love talking about and reviewing fragrances, it’s everyday odors and aromas that really get me going. So from this moment on I’ve decided to keep a smell diary. A regular log of the everyday smells I come across and how they make me feel. Enter Wandering wafts.

Why Wandering wafts?

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about starting a smell diary and have heard there are many benefits to keeping one.

As Aromatherapist and Smell Coach, Frauke Galia, highlights on her podcast, An Aromatic Life, being aware of smells and keeping a log of them is as good for the mind as doing Soduku puzzles and can help to slow cognitive decline.

I’m not a fan of Soduku, but the thought of keeping a smell diary definitely appeals to me! As does the prospect of having something regular to write about for this blog that isn’t perfume.

What to expect from the series

Wandering wafts will run as a series of diary entries that document my everyday encounters with smell. The entries will be light, informal and roughly presented and, in many cases, revolve around similar smells each time - namely urban smells that I run into, living and working in London.

Depending on the smells I stumble on, I may from time to time throw in photos of stuff that catches my nose. But, for the most part, the diary will be words only. Here goes something!

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